Carla Pinheiro from UCIBIO-NOVA integrate the consortium of the project “DM4You – Mediterranean Diet potential for the increase of life quality: + health + sustainability” that received 546 K euros funding, under the “Agenda de Inovação para a Agricultura 20|30 – Terra Futura” of the Portuguese Recovery and Resilience Plan.
Carla Pinheiro, researcher at the MolMicro of Bacterial Pathogens lab of UCIBIO-NOVA, is the coordinator of the project at NOVA FCT and explains that “Our main task is the proteome analysis of the blood plasma and its modulation by diet.
The consortium is coordinated by Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre and partners include researchers from UCIBIO-NOVA, University of Évora, Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, I.P., Instituto Politécnico do Porto, and Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto. Complementing the research institutions, a group of SMEs have joined the consortium: Vasco, Nuno & Cláudio Vieira, Lda, Ingrediente D'Arromba, Lda, Courela do Zambujeiro, Lda, and AICF - Agroinovação S.A. Associations are also included in consortium: ADRAL, SA, ADER-AL (a local action group), the National Pera Rocha Association.